Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Minty Van!

2012-03-06 001 by katieanddan

We got a new car!  It's a 2009 Toyota Sienna and it's a lovely shade of silverish green.  Aunt Rachel dubbed it the Minty Van on her visit here last weekend.  We all love it, and Dan is thrilled to finally have his own car (he's been riding the bus or biking to work for the past several years, and though he enjoys biking in the warmer months, waiting for a bus in the Chicago winters leaves something to be desired).   Here's another picture, which shows the color a little better:

2012-03-10 039 by katieanddan

In other big news, we consolidated the kids rooms this morning!  We have 3 bedrooms upstairs.  Until now, Noah has slept in the smallest one.  Today, we moved his bed and belongings into Eliza's much larger room.  So far the kids love it and have been reading stories together and "taking naps" for the past few hours.

2012-03-10 026 by katieanddan

We're lucky that Eliza's room is big enough to fit 2 kids really comfortably. Though we did end up moving their dresser into the closet to free up some space:

2012-03-10 032 by katieanddan

Here are a couple more pics:
2012-03-10 037 by katieanddan

2012-03-10 034 by katieanddan
(New animal bedding for Noah helped sweeten the deal)

2012-03-10 008 by katieanddan

We hope it works.  Also, maybe sleeping in the same room as big sis Eliza will help prevent Noah's random sleep mishaps such as this recent one:
2012-03-08 018 by katieanddan
Yup, that's Noah sleeping on the floor of his (old) bedroom, under both his blankey and his pillow.  Eliza placed the teddy bear atop the pillow for artistic purposes but the pillow and blanket was Noah's own doing.  This is a kid who can fall asleep anytime, anywhere, including but not limited to while sitting at the dinner table, chewing food.

Anyway, now we're ready for our next big project: turning Noah's old bedroom into a nursery for the baby girls!  I'm leaning toward painting the walls a light shade of aqua.

When I uploaded pictures today I found a whole series of shots taken by Eliza, unbeknownst to me.  She has her own camera but I suppose mine was closer!  Here is a particularly great self-portrait:
2012-03-01 004 by katieanddan

Want to see more pictures of the kids?  Just click on any of these and page through our photostream at Flickr. There are a LOT more pictures up there and the ones from the last several months are public (so no login needed).

1 comment:

elana said...

love the shared room! we find jesse asleep on the floor sometimes, too. strange boys!