Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Doing pretty well on Day 11

What's new to report? A couple of things:

1. Detectable Muscular Development in the Neck Region
That's right, we've noticed Eliza raising her head on her own with increased frequency -- and I should add, with admirable determination. When resting against your chest, she kind of pushes herself up with her little arms -- just an inch or two -- and keeps her head level, straight up and down, for a sustained period of time. It's like she's doing one big push-up. She holds her head up, maintains that position, and proudly whispers to herself, "wow, I've got neck muscles!" You can tell she's enjoying her newfound neck independence.

2. The Routinization of Play-Time
Before Eliza's grandmother, Pat, came to visit, it was all business with Mom and Dad. There wasn't really such a thing as "play time." It was all diapers, breasts, and swaddles. Now, thanks to Memsa's loving attention, Eliza is enjoying such activities as: "watch the toy fly by," "hold grandma's hands and gyrate the upper arms," and "dance around the apartment and look at windows." Her world of fun has expanded exponentially -- Eliza is clearly thrilled to be able to experience new fun things every day. And dad hasn't even started with the vocab flashcards yet.

3. The Institutionalization of Nighttime Routines
Katie and I have been developing a nighttime routine for caring for Eliza's midnight snack needs. Now let's be clear on one thing, Katie clearly carries the heaviest load. But I try to do my part, too. With the little system we've developed, we're managing to sleep over 6 hours a night (that's cumulative hours) with about 3 to 4 interruptions for feedings, burpings, changings, and re-swaddlings. Not bad; especially considering that Eliza is clearly a night-owl like her dad. What usually happens is that just as Katie and I are ready to hit the hay -- around 10, 10:30pm -- Eliza is perking up, getting ready to learn about the world. By 1am, after two drawn-out bouts of midnight snacking, she begrugingly dozes off. Only to awaken us soon thereafter for another meal. Which we (ahem, that's Katie) then provides happily for sweet little Eliza. Then, repeat sequence. And again, repeat. Then it's morning. This is all a new world for us, too; but caring for her really is a pleasure. I dare say, Eliza has already completely captured our hearts.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not to frighten you, but "we" (read: i) still wake to nurse one or both babies at night, sometimes (but just once, and just sometimes)! but once you get that 4 hour stretch, you feel like you've been sleeping for weeks!