I think it's safe to say that we're ready... Yep, it's time. Let's go, baby!
We're ready.
...And trying to think of ways to keep busy while waiting for the big birthday.
So here is a collection of ultrasound pictures. (Presumably only the most die-hard Galvinized family and friends will find these interesting. Yet for posterity's sake, and because we're looking for things to do while we wait, we've taken the flimsy, curling originals down from the fridge magnets and transformed them into digital images.)
First Ultrasound This is the first picture of the Galvinized baby, taken on August 1, 2006. Baby was approximately 7 weeks, 4 days old. Even though the picture notes that the margin of error is plus or minus 2 days, we're going to go with 7 weeks, 4 days. Yes, she was really that small -- the little white peanut inside the big black peanut is her. I believe it's to scale:
Second Ultrasound The next ultrasound was taken on September 7, 2006, and here we got the mother-load of pictures (as it were):
four different pics of the baby. The first is a nice profile shot:

The second is the always-gorgeous "skeleton face" shot:

The third in this series is an "over-the-head" shot. That's her left arm, hand, and at least four fingers. Is she sucking her thumb? Only she knows.

The final shot of this sequence is a profile shot from the right side. Looks like there IS indeed a right arm in there, and you can see her jaw, teeth, and some other features:
Third Ultrasound
At her third photoshoot, taken on October 30, 2006, we collected three interesting pictures of our fast-growing baby. Though these three pictures reveal less personality, we find them anatomically fascinating, and we're confident you will too. The first is of her incredible vertibrae and other bone structures:

This second shot is her foot -- with which she will kick some ass!

And finally, a portrait of baby's face. She's looking right at you!
Fourth (and final) Ultrasound
This most recent ultrasound, taken on February 13, 2007, is a little harder to recognize. This is a left-side profile shot, and that's baby's pudgy arm. She's holding up a fist, as if in protest. Our little radical!

We hope you enjoyed our ultrasound pictures! Check back again soon for Galvinized baby pictures
in color! (Soon, we hope!)
-Dan and Katie