Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Today we had our weekly doctor's appointment. Everything appears to be on schedule!

Over the weekend, Dan put together the crib and changing table while Katie made curtains for the nursery. Only a few things left to do now...as long as labor doesn't start in the next few days, we should be all set!

Here's a picture of the two of us together:

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Let's Get This Party Started!

Hello and welcome!
This is a place where we can share pictures and updates with our family and friends on Katie's pregnancy and eventually, the ongoing adventures of baby. Please feel free to write in anytime, on any subject! We hope that this little blog will help us all stay connected during the exciting times to come. Keep checking back, as we'll try to update frequently.
Much love,
Katie and Dan
p.s. Here are some pictures to get us going...

This is Katie on December 2, 2006, at approx. 25 wks:

And here she is a couple of weeks later, so beautiful!

...she's getting bigger! This is January 11, 2007 at approx. 31 wks:

The lovely lady on February 15, 2007, at 36 wks (only 4 weeks left!):

Now let's see that belly!!!