This week Eliza has continued to move more and more, leading Mommy and Daddy to the conclusion that it's time to baby-proof the apartment a bit. Exhibit one: Eliza, caught red-handed with her very favorite toy:

Apparently, she is also getting ready to play soccer (with a ball she, er, borrowed from her friend Mathias). Guess we'll have to explain that pesky old "no hands on the ball" rule one of these days...
We also suspect that Eliza is teething, since she has been waking up at night and chewing on everything in sight. For instance, wooden balls:

And shakers:
And proof that Eliza does, in fact, have a couple teeth already!
Another cute thing Eliza has started doing is giving hugs. Here is an example of Eliza hugging Beaufort ("BYUE-fert"), one of her very favorite toys. He is named Beaufort because he was a gift from Eliza's cousins from Beaufort, South Carolina.
Finally, the aforementioned funny foot!
And some more random cuteness.